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Wisdom Teeth Extraction
Upland, CA

Wisdom Teeth Removal provided by in Upland, CA at

3D rendered xray of an impacted wisdom tooth (highlighted in red) butting against the tooth next to it.Wisdom tooth extraction is a surgical procedure performed to remove one or more wisdom teeth. Generally, people have one to four wisdom teeth, although some do not have them at all. Wisdom teeth are located at the back corners of the mouth. More often than not, wisdom teeth do not have room to grow, resulting in a myriad of dental problems. Our dentist at Higher Ground Dentistry can resolve these dental concerns.

Why You Are More Likely Going to Have Your Wisdom Teeth Extracted

Generally, wisdom teeth are only removed when they pose a problem. Below are some reasons we recommend having them removed as soon as they begin to erupt.

Damage to Nearby Teeth

Your wisdom teeth erupt when all your other permanent teeth are already in place. These extra sets of molars can erupt forcefully, causing your other teeth to shift in their positions. The result is extreme pain, overcrowded teeth, and bite problems. These series of problems associated with the eruption of wisdom teeth make it hard for you to brush and floss effectively, leaving you at the mercy of tooth decay or cavities. If you delay getting your problematic wisdom teeth extracted, you might have to undergo additional dental procedures to straighten the neighboring teeth already impacted from their normal positions.

Damage to the Jaw

Like all your other teeth, wisdom teeth erupt from the jaws and come through the gums. However, that is not the case for some people, especially when there is no space left around the other permanent teeth. The emergence of your wisdom teeth might then be characterized by stiffness or pain and significant damage to your jawbone. These problems caused by wisdom teeth have the potential to impact the function and movement of your mouth.

For example, impacted wisdom teeth can limit the opening of your mouth and cause you too much pain when you try to do so. In some worst-case scenarios, cysts can form along freshly erupted wisdom teeth, which can create hollows in your jawbone and cause damage to the nerves of your neighboring teeth. These are problems that make it inevitable to remove your wisdom at the earliest time possible.

Sinus Issues

There is an intricate connection between your mouth and your sinuses. As a result, impacted wisdom teeth have been known to affect the sinuses. We recommend removing your wisdom teeth when their growth causes sinus pressure, congestion, and pain. More often than not, your dental health can affect your overall health, and you must pay attention to every symptom.


Your oral health is not limited to the condition of your teeth but your gums as well. Gums play a critical role in holding your teeth in the mouth, and they tend to suffer as a result of wisdom teeth complications. Sometimes, your wisdom teeth erupt at an odd angle compared to the other teeth. Others erupt horizontally, and they can cause intense swelling in the gums. You are more likely to experience pain when your gums are swollen, especially when you try to brush your teeth. When you do not brush your teeth properly, you are creating a fertile environment for harmful bacteria that might cause tooth decay and cavities.

Tooth Pain and Sensitivity

Like many other dental problems, wisdom teeth complications start small and are sometimes hard to detect. Many patients find out that they have impacted wisdom teeth when they experience pain and discomfort. Wisdom tooth pain and sensitivity do not need to affect the quality of your life, and the solution is usually to have them removed.

Procedure for Wisdom Teeth Extraction

Wisdom teeth extraction is an oral surgery procedure that starts with an X-ray to determine whether it is safe enough to have your wisdom teeth removed surgically. After studying the image from the X-ray, our dentist will embark on other critical steps.

Local Anesthesia

Our dentist prioritizes your comfort during the wisdom tooth removal process. They will use a local anesthetic to gently numb the area, ensuring you feel minimal discomfort.

Wisdom Tooth Surgery

The major part of a dental extraction involving a wisdom tooth depends on various conditions. If your wisdom tooth has not come through the gum, our dentist will make a small cut in the gum to create a point of access. The dentist will also remove the small piece of bone covering the tooth or cut the tooth into smaller pieces to make its removal easy through the cutting.

If the tooth came through the gum, there is no need for an incision, and removing it is a little easier. You will only feel some pressure before the tooth comes out from the socket. Either way, you cannot feel any pain during the surgical removal of the wisdom tooth because of the local anesthesia used to numb the tooth and the area around the tooth.

Common FAQs About Wisdom Tooth Extraction

In anticipation of your wisdom tooth removal, you may have a few questions about wisdom tooth extraction. Here are some questions we hear from our patients who visit our clinic to have their wisdom teeth removed.

Is Wisdom Teeth Removal Painful?

Wisdom tooth removal is not a painful process at all. Our dentist will numb the area using local anesthesia before the tooth removal starts, and you will not feel any pain at all.

Do I Need to Remove Healthy Wisdom Tooth?

Even if your wisdom tooth is impacted properly and X-ray images show that it does not pose any problem, you should still consider removing it to avoid any dental issues in the future. Wisdom teeth can reposition themselves in the gum, leading to potential infection.

What Is the Recovery Time for Wisdom Tooth Extraction?

It can take between 7 to 10 days to make a full recovery after a wisdom tooth extraction if the wisdom tooth was impacted and the dentist had to make an incision. However, it can take about 24 hours to fully recover from a wisdom tooth extraction that did not involve any cuts on the gum. You will still need to be careful with brushing, flossing, and rinsing for several days.

Let Us Handle Your Wisdom Tooth Surgery

Visit us at Higher Ground Dentistry and let us discuss your dental extraction and wisdom tooth complications. Contact us at 909-377-0758.

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Wisdom Teeth Removal in Upland, CA
Get expert wisdom teeth removal in Upland, CA with Dr. Sikka at Higher Ground Dentistry. Safe, efficient, and comfortable extractions. Contact us today!
Higher Ground Dentistry - Vikas Sikka, DMD, 121 West Foothill Boulevard, Suite E, Upland, CA 91786 + 909-377-0758 + + 3/9/2025 + Page Phrases: dentist upland +